
Discover Europe through Art


Sudsteirmark gewölbekeller, painting, acrylic, art, Sarah Loecker Art
Bildunterschrift hinzufügen

 I was browsing Google today and ran across an article on why Americans love Europe so much. I clicked on it and in the comments section found this very compact and decisive quote:

'The food. The architecture. The beer. The wine. The comparatively beautiful man-made landscape. The sense of history. The opportunity for witnessing another culture. A change from ones daily usual.'

- Steve Feldman (July 2016)

painting, art, acrylic, oxford, radcliff camera, Sarah Loecker Art

   And it got me thinking. Here I am, an American, living (not traveling) in Europe. Austria, to be exact, since Europe is comprised of many different countries and cultures. I have been here for nearly 14 years and feel fairly well adjusted. My children were born here, my husband is from here and daily life runs along a fair 'normal' Austrian rhythm, with just enough of an American twist to keep things fun and interesting. I am in a situation which would be a dream to so many of my countrymen. (This isn't the moment to mention that living in any country other than your own for long periods of time takes a large amount of adjustment). I invite you to spend time with me seeing Europe, primarily Austria, although in the most happy weeks of summer, Italy- land of my heart, through my eyes and artwork. One of the benefits of being a foreigner, even if it is over the longterm, is that you don't take as many things for granted. So many aspects of a culture are delightful and unexpected, a small gift, handed to you when you least expect it. Unfortunately there are also a few aspects that are horrible, like reaching behind a rock and finding a snake. These impulses, both positive and negative are where I take inspiration for my artwork. I use Urban sketching to record and enjoy some of the amazingly detailed and ancient architecture I see everyday while running errands. The landscape and nature offer their own impulses, too, featuring differences from what I grew up around. I have been doing sketch in cafes, using my time there to share the atmosphere with those looking at my work. And of course I take photos everywhere, bringing them back to the studio to turn into actual paintings.

acrylic painting, Lago di Garda, art, Sarah Loecker Art
Bildunterschrift hinzufügen

   A fascination with far off places and different cultures and customs is widespread. My children have been taking a hip hop and street dance course over this past week and it has been fun for me to see the  middle class Austrian kids learning specific steps to be able to dance like every tiny child could in my neighborhood growing up. Adults retain their desire see and learn new things but often lack the time and money to do so. Especially if they are investing both into their children. Thus, I offer the chance to enjoy my corner of europe vicariously and for free at a low time commitment;).
acrylic painting, Italy, castle, art, Sarah Loecker Art

   The chance to see through my eyes via my artwork is not solely for my American readers. I have readers from many parts of the world including other places within europe. The same applies to you, you are invited to experience Austria and Italy with me. To my Austrian and Italian readers, you have the opportunity to see your own beautiful country through fresh eyes.  this  I welcome questions and comments. Let me know what interests you. What do you want to see more about- what are you curious about? Have you been to Austria or Italy? Are there things you loved and remembered. Is there something special you would like a print of? Let me know?

Art, acrylic, painting, succulents, terra cotta, Italy, Sarah Loecker Art

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art, acrylic, painting, ferry bell, Sarah Loecker Art, venice


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