
How I am storing my original work on paper

   January is a slow month, a time to gradually slide back into the work routine after a long and relaxing break. As the month passes schedules pick up momentum and resolutions and goals start to take shape and make it onto the calendar.

Making new years resolutions isn't one of my habits at the turn of the year. I always feel that this time is so busy and full of 'background noise' that I can't really come up with goals or plans. So, instead I celebrate all of the good things that have occured in the previous year and allow my goals and resulotions to emerge throughout the following month. They usually start to appear after about 2 weeks back in the studio.

   I don't have particular goals (yet) but rather several 'wants' for the coming year. One of those is to get most of my paper drawings scanned and available as prints as well as to post a lot more on Saatchi Art.
Once the paper work is scanned I am planning on storing it in my newly built drawers which my husband has been reluctantly building since Christmas. Making my studio work better for me has been one of the goals of this coming year. It has been great for painting but I also want to make it a functional space for both workflow and business. I want to be able to lay my hands on any piece of work I want within a few minutes. Those of you who are artists will realize the magnitude of the task ahead of me. There is a lot of work, some better than others and all in need of a system. I have an overview now but I realize I am producing at a rate which, if not filed correctly, could at somepoint get out of hand.

   So today I would like to give you a peak at my current project of organizing the drawers- I am waiting on my husband for the third one but I have still made progress. I am calling this phase one. Do you remember that book, Art Ink. that I did a review of last autumn? There were so many ideas in it which I want to implement. This is the year to do so, and scanning and filing my originals on paper is the first step (this year- I did several things last year).

    The first of my existing sets of drawers is for supplies- I am happy to have been able to fit my flat elecronics, scanner, light table, and laptop, easily inside. A positive change from having them laying in corners of the room.

  Other drawers in this unit include supplies I need for packaging my work, from clear plastic envelopes to amazon boxes which might come in handy (you never know).

The second unit stores Originals on paper. I have already filed some but there is a huge pile left to scan and file.

My final unit, currently laying on the livingroom floor, will house all of my various types of paper- I will post an update when that one if filled- In the meantime here is how the paper looks now! You can see why I am excited for the drawers to be done.

 I hope you will have a pleasant end of the weekend. Check in on Tuesday when I will be featuring an American artist, Toby Davis. I love his work and am excites to share it with you.

I post three times a week; Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. To get posts as soon as they are published click on the subscribe button at the top of the page or Follow by clicking on the follow button. 


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