
10 more sketches from my christmas sketchbook

 I have been working in my small Christmas sketchbook over the last few weeks and have added several ornaments and other small christmassy items to the pages. I am now nearing the end, and while I hope to finish it before three kings day, January 6th, when Christmas officially ends here in Austria, I have decided to share the most recent additions.

1.  Perhaps the most unexpected in this array of ornaments is the pear cooked in red wine. I don't always make these for Christmas dinner but we always eat them at some point during advent. So one made its way into the book while I was sitting at the table the following morning eating one of the left over pears. What only you know is that the back of this particular pear has a significant section cut out of it that I ate while painting.

2.  December was full of logistics as is always the case and this next one is actually an 'urban sketch'. I did it while sitting in the waiting room of the dentist. She had a lovely large floral display, decorated in a variety of pink glass balls and I new I had to paint it as soon as I sat down. Good that I always have a sketchbook or two handy.

3.  For some reason 'bottle brush trees' have made their way from pinterest, as a method of upcycling old brushes, to a trend item available in every shop. I do like them though and did buy a couple this year. This one however is beginning to be a 'vintage' one. It belonged to my dollhouse as a child and along with a few other small items has accompanied me from house to house around the world. It had a phase of looking rather frumpy and dated but is now slowly coming back into it's own. In fact I even heard a teenager say it was 'cool' recently. Go figure.You know you are getting old when...

 4.  There is no particular story behind the reindeer. I was just playing around with the idea of painting stainless steel. It turned out alright but I still have to mention that it was stainless steel for people to see it, which means that I should probably work a bit more on metals.


 5. And thankfully the ornaments for the tree came out of the box on the 23rd because I felt that I had really exhausted the options around the house. Here is an ornament I got when I first moved to Graz eleven years ago.

6.   And the key which made it onto the tree the year we got our house. We recieved the keys in December just in time to set up a Christmas tree in an empty house and celebrate our first Christmas in our new home.

  7. This is just a fun ornament made of metal. The roof lifts off so it may have been made to fit a small candle inside. We have always just hung it on the tree as is though.

 8.  A friend made lovely little sparkly ornaments this year for her own tree with a variety of little crystals, and glass beads. She generously gave a few of them to me and they made their way immediately into my little book. Thanks Jana!

  9.  When our children were little we bought a couple of these small wooden, painted rocking horses at a local Advent market. This little sketch went to my grand niece who was a surprise birth just days before Christmas.

 10. And finally, during the bustle of the Advent season I managed to sit at one of my favorite cafes for 45 minutes while waiting for someone and quickly added their large, beautiful wreath to the book.

   Well, that catches me up to today where I have about four ideas/items ready to be sketched. I just have to get these few office tasks done and then I will get right to painting. I hope...

Do you sketch seasonal items or display seasonal artwork? I would love to hear about it in the comments.

   Here is a little bonus sketch I did during breakfast one day while planning out a few ideas in my fresh, new studio log. It is of the large pine cones I pick up off the ground in northern Italy.

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