
August favorites

   Our road trip in Italy eclipsed all else we did this month and therefore holds a primary place in my August favorites, however there were a few smaller moments worth mentioning as well and I will try to include those. Below is an illustration I finished near the beginning of the month:

  August was a month of preparation and enjoyment. The trip of Italy required quite a bit of planning which paid off once we were on the road.

We didn't enjoy quite as many picnics as we would have liked in Italy, but we did have a few really nice ones including one at the seaside. We had the beach mostly to ourselves and were able to watch the sun setting over the water as we relaxed after eating.

The wedding:

 Matera- Cultural capital of Europe 2019

 Using the new gold palette for the first time:

The first InterNations (international expat group) urban sketching meetup:

Day trip to Stubenbergsee:

Tea breaks in Italy with nice treats and then eventually tea breaks at home with my own nice tea dishes:

 The feeling of having been in a far off place only the day before-

Giant lemons from Pompeii-

Sketching on the road: As an artist most of the highlights of the month are tied to art projects, inspirational excursions or finished works- my sketchbook is a fun memory of the trip even though it isn't particularly refined.

 And of course there were all of the delicious treats we brought back with us- This was especially fun because I bought different snack items in different regions and packed them immediately. Upon arriving back in Graz it was fun to unpack them and try them side by side for a comparison.

In natural history illustration course has began again in August and is, as always a delight-

How was your August?What were your favorites? Let me know in the comments.

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- July Favorites
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