
7 more pages in my 'invalid sketchbook'

   Still at home my leg is slowly healing. It seems absurd that something so spontaneous and seemingly without cause could take so long to heal, but I guess that is the joy of getting older. Standing is still very tiring which means that I am not doing as much acrylic painting as I would like to. I have, however continued to work on what I have dubbed my 'invalid sketchbook'. Being layed up during the first month of school has created a few logistical challenges, which, although not overwhelming, do result in a little more planning and organising. I have added a few nods to logistics in the following pages as well as continuing to sketch what I see, natural treasures from around the house, and anything tied to the 'story' of this point in time. I also made the decision to write a few notes into this sketchbook, why not. So without further ado here are the next seven double page spreads. I hope you like them.




   I ended last time with the pumpkin and owl illustration which marked the beginning of October. I used my box of Derwent metalic inktense pencils to draw pencils... I will share my thoughts on them in another post.




   Friends were kind enough to meet here since I am unable to walk and I included the marmelade and biscuits they brought as hostess gifts. It has been nice having these little treats at home. 


 I also used my black tone watercolours to paint the little pouch I use to carry my daily supplies around in. I really like this pouch.



As mentioned above, logistics is always a key player in life, no less moderately mobile. One of the things managed during this time was the finding, and ordering of bamboo spoons for the thermoses. They came with metal spoons which tend to make loud scratching sounds on the bottom during use. These new spoons are wonderful and beautiful as well. 

   Our collection of horse chestnuts is growing as people bring them home in their pockets. I thought I would include these little treasures as well. They are the perfect little reminder of the season. 


   On my windowsill are two plants each of whom contribute a small story, the first is a corsican rosemary plant from a friend that ought to bloom blue, if it makes it that far. And the second is a basil plant that had been stripped of its leaves one morning about a month ago when my son had a sudden urge to make pesto. The leaves have grown back and I thought I would include it in my sketchbook.  You can see how the stems look fairly bare but have tufts of new foliage. 

   I had the opportunity to paint a bit at the table with 'real' paints and it was such a delight that the paint tubes made it into the sketchbook as well. I love painting paint tubes, I think they are one of my favorite subjects.




  On to another spread: At the beginning of this pandemic I tried out buying toiletries online. We had been doing grocery shopping online for a while but this was new. It works out quite well and we have done it for about 6 months now. The shampoo bottles, etc... are quite heavy and the boxes always look terrible when they arrive although everything inside is always perfect. I included the box that arrived this week.



   All of the small day to day shopping has been done by family members and I include a shopping list, money and a bus ticket on the following page.




   Our heating system temperature regulation gauge failed and my husband has been regulating it manually, here are a collection of thermometers

   A friend gave me a set of transferware in red and white. I included a tea cup in the book as she brought it over while I have been convalescing. 




   And finally to the present page. I finished this apple one of several in our fruit bowl which we have gotten from a number of people with trees. Its asymmetry challenged me as I kept reminding myself not to straighten it out.


Opposite the finished apple I have painted in seed pods that I gathered from my sister's garden. I am finished with the colour and am starting on a very simple line drawing of the plant.

If you enjoyed this post, you might like to see the beginning of this sketchbook:

- the danger of a single step

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