
Schrebergärten- A tiny world of miniature gardens


  In the post war years here is Austria, many families where able to rent garden plots to supplement their gardenless apartments as a way of acquiring a bit of grass and growing a bit of food. These tiny plots were often built upon, creating tiny houses that could be used for entertaining and relaxing on long weekends and holidays. They occur in groups and the residents behave like neighbors with the retirerees spending most of their summers there. It is not uncommon to be invited to someone's 'Schrebergarden'.

   I find these little plots both fascinating and beautiful. Not only are they tiny, little dwarf like houses or cabins- the stipulation being that you are not actually allowed to reside in them, but they are also charming in their miniature completeness. A small world of flowers and vegetables, with gravel paths and fruit trees every few meters. They are like the people's version of palace gardens, extensive, yet individually planned. One of the things that makes the concept work is the Austrian love of detail and cleanliness. Because they are extremely well cared for they create the beautiful patchwork I admire. In another country or culture they might reflect the oposite, an overgrown, weedy patch of neglected sheds. It is a case of germanic fastidiousness paying off.

   Lying along walking paths, these gardens are often relatively easily observed regardless of their being fenced in. I have done a few urban sketches of them in the past and am planning to do a series this summer. The flowers and bushes create the perfect motive for the urban sketcher fascinated by the natural world- that's me. So stay tuned for upcoming sketches.




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   To see some of my urban sketches go to the 'Urban Sketches' page tab at the top of the blog or check out my instagram account.


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