
Studio Update

  Almost two weeks since my last post, here I am again. My laptop is still being repaired although the lady at the shop where I bought it can neither say how much it will cost, what is wrong with it, nor whether is will be done before the full six week maximum repair time has elapsed. Thankfully I am able, occasionally, to use my husband's laptop to do a few basic online necessities, such as write this post.

  So what have I been up to these past weeks? Ideally, I would have painted the entire time, but family, children, school, and other things outside my control have alligned to make that rather difficult. As a result I reorganised my time and energy and have been doing studio projects. One of these was to finally build up the last of my set of drawers I bought from IKEA over the Christmas break.

Here it is after a late night assembly session before I tackled the studio.

   Once it was built up I rearranged and cleaned up my studio to accomodate the three units next to each other. The newest holds and organizes different types and weights of paper as well as sketchbooks. For those who aren't artists, paper is to us as shoes are to most women or tools to most men, one or two types just isn't enough.

I have a large selection from Bamboo mutimedia paper to hot pressed Aquarelle, and a lot in between. my favorites are always bought when there is a special offer on them which means they are often in duplicates in my studio.

Another project I had was to move most of the actual finished work down into my gallery freeing up more space for in progress pictures. I have made a stack of them and have about 10 to work on. I usually use te beginning of summer to return to abandoned work and try to actually finish some of them. Surprisingly, these abandoned pictures often become my favorites, as if their period of insignificance has resulted in a fresh wave of inspiration and enthusiasm during the second half of their production. Since I view these as 'lost causes' anything is better than leaving them half done in the studio and as a result I try out new ideas with reckless abandon. Since they were abandoned anyway I have nothing to loose, and everything to gain.

I have planned a number of blog posts on a variety of topics as well during my time off and hope to get as many of them as possible written while I still have a computer to use.  Until then, I wish you a lovely, enjoyable time with those things that make your days a pleasure.


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