
Three Peppers Illustration- Step by Step

   A weekend to myself comes but once a year, when my husband takes the children to the cabin on the alm. I usually am poorly prepared for it since it suddenly arrives without much warning meaning that all of those wonderful plans to go places and meet friends are not made. The flip side of these unmade plans is that I often get a lot done in the studio. This weekend was no different. I finished a few pieces that have been in progress for a while, experimented with new colors and techniques, and did quite a bit of sketching. Many of you may have seen my picture of the three peppers I posted yesterday on Facebook. Today I am sharing a few snapshots of the process.

I blocked in the colors one evening while watching a film and left them until the next morning.

Then I went in and started to add shadow and depth.

In two additional short sessions I painted in the stems-

And that's it, a relatively simple motive but sometimes it is surprising how much beauty can be found in the ordinary.

If you liked this you might like some of my other step by step illustration posts:
-Grizzly Bear
- Cicada Stamp
- Owl
- Landscape Sketch

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