
Handbag organizer for sketching supplies

   About a year ago I bought this small handbag organizer to make it easier to quickly exchange handbags. I immediately liked it but it sat on a shelf, untouched until recently. A week or two ago I realized that it would make the perfect sketching supply insert.

    I emptied the handbag of all the random sketching supplies that float around in it and put together a removable sketching bag. I haven't had cause to actually remove it but it has kept my supplies neat and easily available while out and about.

   It is very lightweight material and folds flat.

   This sketchbook is an A5 one. It fits neatly just below the top of the organiser. The metal tin holds current aquarelle paints. I just updated the colours for autumn. Click here to see them.

   The pencil pouch and tissues, for use with a waterbrush, fit easily in this large central pocket while still allowing enough space to provide an overview of what is there.

I like these really flat large zippered pockets on either side. I am keeping my painters tape in one of them at the moment.

The side pockets are really use useful as well. and the mesh ones are helpful when the organiser is standing alone. Tea bags obviously count as necessary sketching supplies I would say.

This is a top view of the insert- It isn't all that full so it can still be pressed together to make it a bit smaller in my handbag if necessary.

Well that is it, my most basic sketching supplies. I will be traveling to Paris tomorrow and will probably bring this with me to sketch while I am there. I will let you know how it works out.

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   I spent several hours at the dentist recently where I had the opportunity to do a couple of quick sketches in this sketchbook- here is a close up of one of them:


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