
Second Graz Urban sketching sketchbook- part one

   Urban Sketchers Graz is a year old this Autumn, hard to believe that we have been meeting for an entire year- It has been interesting to meet people around Graz that are either artists or interested in art and to spend time sketching with them. We have learned a lot about what works, what doesn't, and how to be flexible when the number of participants is larger or smaller than we had expected or the weather changes unexpectedly.

   Two challenges have been recurrent throughout this year which have stretched both Jana and I in our organizational abilities. Firstly, the number of participants. We have had anywhere from 3 to 20 people at any meet up and the funny thing is that very few of them come consistently. Many come every now and again but fewer are there for most meet ups. This leads to varying dynamics at each session based largely on the personalities of the participants. Secondly, and this is directly related to the first, finding a variety of locations to sketch. Based on the fact that we never know who or how many people will be at a meet up it is somewhat challenging to plan in advance exactly where we will go. We usually end up with at least two options based on the size of the group. Small groups of four or five people can spontanteously sit in a cafe whereas larger groups might require a combination of sitting possibilities outdoors.

   All in all is has been fun and I am looking forward to the beginning of the next year where we have the chance to build on the experiences we have had up until now.

   Last Thursday we had our first indoor meet up of the colder season where we drew bicycles. We will be meeting indoors from now until spring most likely and so I decided this would be a good opportunity to share my current urban sketching sketchbook.

 View from the stairs of the Schlossberg:

 Hauptbahnhof train station:

Landhaushof and other courtyards:



 View of the Schlossberg from area 5 cafe:

    Well, that is it up until now. I am looking forward to adding a lot of indoor pictures to it in the next few months.
   If you are interested in Graz and interested in urban sketching we would love to see you at a meet up soon. I always post the dates, times and places on facebook under Urban Sketchers Graz.

    Do you have a running sketchbook? do you sketch when out and about? Let me know in the comments.

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 If you liked this you might like some of my other urban sketching posts:

-Sketchbook tour of graz
- Sketching at Hilmteich
- Stilman and Burn Sketchbook review
- Urban Sketching in Volksgarten


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