
Step by step landscape painting

    Last week I gave a very brief presentation on how to create a landscape painting in acrylic. It is a picture with a history which I may share with you someday. A picture that has once again reminded me that commissions are hard because artists and non artists often use different words.
  The presentation followed the  Pecha Kucha method of presenting a series of 20 images in 20 seconds each. It was fun to see what people came up with at this quick rate. My subject being primarily visual, I didn't feel overburdened with the time constraints. I believe it was more challenging for people who tried to share a lot of factual information with us. I am sharing the images I used (plus or minus one or two, since this post has no restriction). I hope that at the end of the post you will feel inspired to go out and paint something, or buy a painting from me or a favorite local artist;)

 This is a large format:

 Putting in the keys:

Sketching in the outline:

Here it can be seen in raw sienna:

 Blue and white applied to start creating the sky:

And the blending begins:

I added a bit of peach to the horizon to a a lighter, airier feeling to the overall work:

The color of the hills blurs in to the blue of the sky in the distance:

The color intensity increases as the hills grow nearer:

 And the darkest earth is visible in the foreground:

Just a little close up:

Grass is gently brushed on so as to indicate the first swaths of green in Spring:

 And now to begin on the clouds:

The scariest part of any cloud, the heavy shadow:

 More white and a lot of blending:

 And last but not least the trees:

 A close up of the trees far off in the distance:

A view from a window, looking out over rolling hills: open, airy, and empty.

I hope you enjoyed the steps in this painting process. I have been rather busy recently so I will be putting up a few posts in the next few days. Keep your eyes open for them.

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