
Finishing 20 abandoned illustrations in 2020

2020- first day back in the studio... The kids are at school, my husband is at his job, and I, oh glorious thought, have been diligently toiling away on the first item on my list of 2020 resolutions. Illustration one in a pile on abandoned illustrations.
  At the end of December I turned my files, illustration drawers, and portfolios inside out, collecting practically all of my botanical and scientific illustrations into one 'pile'. During the process I came across a number of unfinished works dating from anywhere from days to months, some even years, ago. Some are in progress and others where simply abandoned as my time or skill level ran out. Looking at the many beginnings, and considering the hours I have put into them up to this point I came to a decision, 2020 is the year to tackle them. To finish some of the unfinished things in my collection.

I will be using this opportunity to try out new, different, or experimental techniques as they are only partially finished.

I have begun the first in this series. It is the green image above on the far left- It has evolved into an old, twisted and gnarled tree. Similar to the olive trees we saw in southern Italy this summer. And I have been experimenting with adding white highlights, something I haven't done often up until now.
It is still in progress but I am sharing a photo of it with you today.

I will be showing my work on these over the next few weeks and months in a before (or perhaps 'current') and after format. I am confident that they will be fun. If you see any that you are interested in let me know, they will all be for sale (except one). I will be posting them as I work on them.

I will be showing my work on these over the next few weeks and months in a before (or perhaps 'current') and after format. I am confident that they will be fun. If you see any that you are interested in let me know, they will all be for sale (except one). I will be posting them as I work on them.

Here are two progress pictures of the first of many. I will give it it's own post soon.

Can you see the shiny aquarelle? It is one of the ones I bought on my trip to Washington, DC this past spring.
Here is the affiliate link for the iridescent paint I used if you are interested.

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