
Thanksgiving: I am featured in an art related post at the The simply Luxurious Life.

     Thanksgiving is one of those holidays that was so important in the US, and so hard to not really participate in when I first moved here. It is, however, a holiday that is hard to fit into our family schedule. Advent plays such a principal role in the year, here in Austria, and the fact that it usually starts a few days after Thanksgiving means that the preparations override the enjoyment of preparing for Thanksgiving. Nevertheless, The children have discovered stuffing and as a result are becoming rather fond of holidays that feature it. Thus, we have picked up the holiday again after a short break. So, as a tribute to Thanksgiving, I would like to create a very short list of things I am thankful for art-wise. (I am not including the many obvious private ones like family, friends, good health, etc..)

Upcoming exhibition with Jana:

   A few short weeks ago a friend Jana Grabner and I decided to do an exhibition together. Although it was decided on the spur of the moment and we haven't had a lot of time to plan, it is coming together quite well, and I am looking forward to it.  This is the perfect opportunity to highlight some of our more time intensive, scientific illustration work.


The payout of my Bauspar:

   A Bauspar account is an account into which a person pays a fixed amount each year. It is then only available after the sixth year comes to an end. This payout came at a great time for me and I have been using it to really invest in both my studio and the business side of my artwork. A welcome change from the usual artistic life balance which seems to be too many ideas, too little time, and not quite enough money.

 Simply Luxurious Life feature:


And, saving one of the most exciting for last, I was included in an art-themed post on the Simply Luxurious Life blog. You can read the post Here.

A house large enough to include a studio:

I just want to mention that having lived in small apartments up until a few years ago I am thankful to be able to have a real working studio in my house. Working at home has its own challenges, but being able to spread out and work on larger projects is great.

   So, don't forget to check out the article on The Simply Luxurious Life. And, let me know what you are thankful for this year.

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